Dutch Section of The Combustion Institute (DSCI) 20: Internal Combustion Engines Research in the Tu/e Zero Emission Laboratory
September 20, 2024
The webinar will begin at 13:00 CET
Event Description

Date: 20 September 2024, 13:00 CET

Title: Internal Combustion Engines research in the TU/e Zero Emission Laboratory

Speaker: Noud Maes, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Abstract: There is a serious demand for diverse system changes to achieve the current targets of emission-free, future-proof mobility for people & goods by 2050. As outlined in the Dutch climate agreement, renewable- and advanced biofuels are part of the solution, along with gains in efficiency, (partial) electrification, and behavioral changes. Within the Zero Emission Laboratory (ZEL), internal combustion engines and ultra-clean combustion concepts are studied using a wide range of experimental setups and fuels, including advanced biofuels, synthetic fuels (often oxygenated & drop-in), and hydrogen. In this webinar, the engine-related facilities of the ZEL will be presented, ranging from setups that are close to the real-world application, all the way to more simplified fundamental systems. Some recent projects and activities will be highlighted, followed by some future aspirations.

Abstract and CV of the speaker are also available on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7231984110246768640/

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Registration is recommended in case updates have to be sent out.

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